"The right experience, the right choice."
Captain (Jail, Operations and Administration)
Sheriff's Office Budget Team
Professional Development Budget Ad/Hoc
SWAT Team Commander
Task Force Commander
Gang Task Force Chairman
Investigations Sergeant
Patrol Sergeant
and much more;
Associates Degree Public Safety (Honors)
Bachelor's Degree Criminal Justice (Honors)
CSAC Senior Executive program graduate
Police Activities League Coach
Corning Cadet Advisor
Young Marines Unit Commander
Over a thousand hours of community service
Two-time MADD award winner
Police Officer of the year (2004)
Elks person of the year (2017)
I will continue to champion efforts to pay competitive salary and benefits to all Tehama County Employees. This competitive salary will increase recruitment efforts county-wide. More importantly I am confident these efforts, if fruitful will increase retention of already trained staff. The staff that have been dedicated and committed to the service of this community for some time. With the use of failed recruitment policies and the internal Deputy Sheriff sponsorship program we have already been able to start to resolve our staffing shortages. The use of extra hire deputies, retired staff and Reserve Deputies have allowed us to over come some staffing shortages while moving forward. This will be a challenging dilemma for generations to come, but resolution is essential to bolster public safety and increase pro-active services.
I will push to complete the Jail expansion. In 2011 it was determined due to AB109 Tehama County was in need of an expansion to an aging and busting at the seams jail. This was more evident with push back of State inmates to the County. The County received a 20 Million Dollar award to build the jail expansion, which includes a new kitchen, laundry area, medical wing and program rooms all desperately needed due to the lack of space in the existing jail. The expansion is primary funded by the state and without this opportunity the community would be responsible for bearing the entire cost. More importantly with the State's move towards closing prisons there is a need to protect our local citizens from violent and chronic offenders. This 64 bed facility will provide the ability for the Sheriff's Office to retain these people in custody without releasing them for over crowding. This is one of the biggest puzzle pieces for public safety.
We have slowly started to move forward with advanced technology. It is time to leap forward and launch Tehama County Sheriff's Office ahead in criminal investigations and intelligent based policing. From my experience in our budgets I know this can be accomplished with a combination between existing funds and aggressively pursuing grants. Technology will increase efficiency for staff in day to day operations and in criminal investigations. This will also allow the Department to implement social media platforms. This will allow for transparency regarding events and actions of the Sheriff's Office as well as providing real time information to citizens about public safety risks and emergencies.
I want to expand the use of these programs to provide additional resources to the community. I have developed plans to implement additional programs which would generate revenue for programs such as Senior Nutrition and Veteran's programs. I will continue to utilize resources from inmate work crews and alternative to custody programs to clean up trash left behind in homeless encampments. I would also like to use this program to provide services and supplies to underprivileged youth, such as a scared straight program, bolster our Explorer program and provide reclaimed bicycles to youth who need them.
I would cultivate one of our current deputies to serve as a Rural Area Deputy. This position would be a designated position that serves citizen's in outlying communities. The purpose is to allow these areas to have a specific Deputy they can communicate concerns and criminal activity too. This Deputies primary function will be to provide all levels of Sheriff's Office service specifically to these remote communities.
I am a member of the National Rifle Association and Tehama Shooters Association. I've been a 26 year law enforcement officer and an avid outdoorsman. I am a strong supporter of the Second Amendment. I also believe strongly in issuing CCW's to qualified citizens of our community. I want you to be able to protect yourself, your family and even my family when I'm not around. I have found many lawfully carrying CCW citizens intervene in violent crimes before law enforcement arrives. I believe this strengthens our public safety in a coordinated effort between law enforcement and the public.
My experience and knowledge with the Sheriff's Office and the budget would allow me to seamlessly step into this role and immediately make impacts in the future plans I've listed above.
Your support and contribution will be used to support the Dave Kain for Sheriff-Coroner 2022 campaign. I appreciate any support you can provide to assist me in leading the Sheriff's Office into the future.
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